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General Data
Material | S235JR |
UNS No. / Steel No. | 1.0038 |
Standard | EN 10250-2:2000 steel S235JRG2 also named 1.0038 |
Group | Non-alloy quality structural steel According EN 10250-2:2000 steel S235JRG2 also named 1.0038 |
SubGroup | EN 10025-2: 2004 Hot rolled products of structural steels. Technical delivery conditions for non-alloy structural steels |
Equivalent grades: | Go here |
Chemical composition
Mechanical properties
Equivalent grades
European old EN | EU | USA | JAPAN | Germany | China | England | International | India | Italy | Russia | France | Spain | Sweden | Austria | Norway | Viet Nam | Portugal | Belgium | Canada |
EN | EN | ASTM | JIS | DIN, WNr | GB | BS | ISO | IS | UNI | GOST | AFNOR | UNE | SS | ONORM | NS | TCVN | NP | NBN | HG |
Heat Treatment
Other Properties
Mechanical properties
- ReH Minimum yield strength / Mindestwert der oberen Streckgrenze / Limite d elasticite minimale
- Rm Tensile strength / Zugfestigkeit / Resistance a la traction
- A Minimum elongation / Mindestwert der Bruchdehnung / Allongement minimal
- J Notch impact test / Kerbschlagbiegeversuch / Essai de flexion par choc
- +A Soft annealed
- +AC Annealed to achieve spheroidization of the carbides
- +AR As rolled
- +AT Solution annealed
- +C Cold drawn / hard
- +CR Cold rolled
- +FP Treated to ferrite-pearlite structure and hardness range
- +I Isothermal annealing
- +LC Cold drawn / soft
- +M Thermo mechanical rolling
- +N Normalized
- +NT Normalized and tempered
- +P Precipitation hardened
- +PE Peeled
- +QA Air quenched and tempered
- +QL Liquid quenched and tempered
- +QT Quenched and tempered
- +S Treated to improve shearability
- +SH As rolled and turned
- +SR Cold drawn and stress relieved
- +T Tempered
- +TH Treated to hardness range
- +WW Warm worked
- +U Untreated
Heat treatment conditions
- +A Soft annealed
- +AC Annealed to achieve spheroidization of the carbides
- +AR As rolled
- +AT Solution annealed
- +C Cold drawn / hard
- +CR Cold rolled
- +FP Treated to ferrite-pearlite structure and hardness range
- +I Isothermal annealing
- +LC Cold drawn / soft
- +M Thermo mechanical rolling
- +N Normalized
- +NT Normalized and tempered